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EDC Minutes 06-26-02
Members present:        Chairperson Marjorie Anthony, Vice Chairman Joseph Carino, Members, David Fields Terrie Kyc, Jan Murtha, and Clifford Slicer

Members absent: Joseph DeMaio, Edwina Futtner, Mark Lillis, Marilyn Morrison,
James Murray
Alternate John Mitchell


Chairperson Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.






A motion to amend the minutes of the May 22, 2002, Regular Meeting. The amended minutes will correct the members "present" and "absent". The motion to approve the minutes with that exception noted was made by Commissioner Murtha, seconded by Commissioner Carino and unanimously approved.

The Chairperson decided to forego her remarks so she could move to other business.

A discussion was held on the joint meeting with the Board of Education on June 10th. Ms. Murtha commented that the meeting was very productive after Dr. Wood joined the meeting and was able to answer some of the questions raised during the previous meeting.  It was decided that October would be the best time to hold the next joint meeting to discuss shared marketing efforts. A date has not been chosen.  Chairperson Anthony said the EDC would start meeting jointly with the Planning and Zoning Commission on a quarterly basis.

Report from Clifford Slicer, Liaison, Planning and Zoning: Commissioner Slicer reported that he and Commissioner Carino attended the meeting of the P & Z on the previous evening. Commissioner Murtha was also present. He reported on some areas of the Plan of Conservation draft proposal that are of concern to the EDC. Mr. Carino has some reservations regarding water and sewer development. Mr. Slicer has a concern regarding working farms and their proposals which would limit their ability to develop their property It was agreed that Chairperson Anthony will submit a letter to the Commission voicing the concerns of the EDC. Commissioner Murtha reported on and supported the comments of a taxpayer who spoke at the meeting. The landowner reminded the commission that any decisions and plans made now must be broad enough in scope to encompass the next 20 to 30 years and should not close the door on things that may develop. Mr. Slicer stated water and sewer regulations that are limiting could be a problem for future development, even for uses by the town. The Chair discussed the presentation by the Redevelopment Agency of the 291 Corridor. The EDC was placed in the role of supporting the proposal however; it was not submitted in time for the first phase of state funds that were available. The proposal is in place for the next phase.

It was agreed that a subcommittee will be formed with members Carino, Slicer and Murray. They will meet soon to thoroughly review and analyze the Conservation Plan. They will report back to the EDC at the July meeting.

Report from Mr. DeMaio, Liaison, Inland/Wetlands: Mr. DeMaio was not present.

Report from Mr. Carino, Liaison, Water Pollution and Control Authority: Mr. Carino reported on the sewer rate increase. It is now $210. per unit effective 7/1/02. That is a flat rate for residential. The commercial rate is the same rate for up to 93,000 gallons, minimum charge, then it is pro rated after that.

He also reported that the developers of Evergreen have asked for sponsorship from the Commission on their state application. They will be going through wetlands and feel that the  approval of the commission will be helpful.

Report from the Marketing/Communications Sub Committee: Commissioner Murtha reported that once a formal application is submitted on Evergreen Walk, they will then go forward with plans on marketing South WindsorWalk.

Report from Commissioner Mark Lillis of the Business Retention Committee: Mr. Lillis was not present. The Chair directed Commissioner Fields and Mr. Lillis to be prepared to report at the next meeting.


Chairperson Anthony presented the tax abatement request and development proposal from DST Realty Connecticut, Inc. to the commission members. (Attachment A)  Mr. Carino made a motion to approve the tax abatement for DST Output Realty Connecticut, Inc. of 125 Ellington Rd., South Windsor, CT, on the construction of a 108,322 sq. ft. addition to an existing building and a 2,940 sq. ft. generator building, for a total of 111, 262 sq. ft. The commissioners concurred that it is reasonable to approve the 80% tax incentive for the first seven years, based on the depth and scope of this size project. The motion was seconded by Ms. Murtha and unanimously carried.


Mr. Carino led a discussion about the Fiscal Impact Analysis Report. He stated that the report is faulty in that it states erroneously that it will not have an impact on housing. The report is a twenty -year projection and therefore it should have included some figures on what the expected impact on housing will be. The members discussed the report and generally agreed with the Commissioner.


A motion to adjourn was made at 9:30 PM by Commissioner Murtha, seconded by Commissioner Kyc and unanimously carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Beaudry
Recording Secretary